How to build a Chicken Coop/Hen House

| February 24, 2014 | 3 Comments So, you want to build a chicken coop? The best way to do this of course, is with a plan. It depends on how many chicken…
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Shorty Gilbert - Chicken House Shorty

Recorded at Burt’s Tiki Lounge, SLC, UT on Oct 31, 2011 Shorty Gilbert – Bass & Vocal Aldine Strychnine – Guitar Anthony Perry – Drums Greg Midgley – Keys Br…

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  1. FindYourNiche says:

    A chicken coop is a building to house chickens. If you are thinking about
    raising chickens, a chicken coop is your best option.

  2. CiarĂ¡n Fatherty says:

    this dosnt show us how to make 1 this shows us sad pictures of chickens ue
    very sad

  3. Abhijeet Kamat says:

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