How to build a house-on-wheels for rabbits, guinea pigs & chickens

| March 24, 2014 | 16 Comments

How to build a house-on-wheels for rabbits, guinea pigs & chickens

Easy to follow instructional video shows how to make this mobile home for pets, takes about half a day to build using basic tools. Being on wheels makes it e…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Free Chicken Coop Designs Click Here : Why do you want to keep chickens? Chickens can be your pets, as livestock, or as…

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  1. Chance Long says:

    in this point of time either 5 people are idiots or are well… idiots, its
    a great idea, the mesh is not bad for there feet, both of my granddads and
    great granddads used wire for the suspended hutch thingies.

  2. Ruben Schaper says:

    its really handy thanks man

  3. Sylvie Greenaway says:

    Great, but mesh is bad for bunnies feet

  4. Laura Pugh says:

    I just finished making my own rabbit tractor and it took me FOR-ever! I’m a
    novice builder, so all my projects take a long time. I think you did a
    great job on this one. The design is great and it looks really nice. One
    thing I’d like to add to the floor discussion: Since the house doesn’t have
    a wire bottom, the bunnies do have a place to rest their feet if they get
    tired of the wire. I think the whole design is perfect. Thanks for sharing
    all the steps.

  5. Joanna Bushman says:

    I love the idea and the way you have made it. Very nice. But wire floor is
    BIB NO – NO . It is hard for rabbit or guinea pig delicate feet. It is a
    torture to walk on wire floor. Please, change the floor.

  6. sadie sheep says:

    This came out great! But how do you clean the cage?


    very nice … cool idea well done

  8. Steven Trinidad Sr says:

    Excellent Job. Do not pay attention to the dislikes. Awesome!

  9. owlsnaturalways says:

    What state do you live in and how much would you charge to build one?

  10. Jackie Carrizales says:

    About how much were all the materials? 

  11. Δημητρης Μαυρακης says:

    great !!!I am gonna make it but bigger …

  12. AQW Ray AE says:


  13. hannah Turner says:

    love it

  14. crumb9cheese says:

    that is so awesome.

  15. Nektarios Lazarakis says:

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