how to build a self-cleaning chicken coop

| October 22, 2013 | 25 Comments

tips on how to build a chicken coup out of recycled materials that is self cleaning. Great for people living in warmer climates.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The egg laying cycle of a chicken is directly tied to the hours of daylight available. Lighting the chicken coop in the early morning hours (not at night) ca…

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Mack Maxidyne says:

    I just love your accent, Will you marry me and be my mate.

  2. Frances Russell says:

    Your garden really isn’t that big! And I hardly think it’s fair to keep them n wire – even if they are only walking a long for like 20 seconds. I have two chickens, living in an eglu, and would never dream of having the walk on wire mesh like that!

  3. Myfootyourface69 says:

    i love fucking chickens

  4. Ariel Brnssn says:

    pass by my channel’m preparing the garden !

  5. maxim edwards says:

    thank You very much for this,from a new starter.I have looked at nearly all the others and this is ideal for Me.Best Wishes.
    paul correia?

  6. eveny119 says:

    Did you say the coop was an “old school desk”? Was it like a cabinate or where did the doors come from? anyway I don’t mind the wire floors but I would line with newspaper like you said .and compost it daily.

  7. Trustin Jesus says:

    Please Kindly see thewarningsecondcoming dotcom
    “These things, foretold, will soon come to pass. Be prepared. When you see the signs, then know that these prophecies can only come from God.

    Your Jesus “

  8. Iwasonceacarpenter says:

    I have an excellent pen, I used an old cat cage system to surround their area , then a garden bird aviary with multi level terraces and several perches and nesting boxes. It cost me 50 dollars all up using recycled material from the local tip. They also have a gazebo that covers a section of their pen to provide a sheltered place for when it rains and snows. They are very happy, lay all year round including in snow conditions. They lay beautiful rich eggs and they are never locked up. free range

  9. Theressa Lobb says:

    HI!! I just watched this video and i love the concept.As to be more “chickmain” you could use a bit smaller fencing as not to catch their feet. But it is hard to keep a full panel bottom clean and in good repair. I love the air flow concept Thank You for sharing your video.

  10. Paul Correia says:

    your a fucking idiot.

  11. sorin990 says:

    DiD this before it was cool …..but…… on winter time it sux, you need to move them to another coop, I personaly have this kind of chicken coop for chicks and a huge one bigger with wood and isolated material for the grown chikens …. (i move the chicks there on winter cause they grown )

  12. 327jdrsky says:

    Cool video ,Your chickens must really enjoy their nice space.What t.v. shows do they watch? Definitely not the hunting or food channel shows,maybe foghorn leghorn,tweety bird,the road runner? lol Cool Coop.

  13. sailingsolar says:

    Nice tour, thank you!

  14. kharnifex says:

    Having a closer look, it’s very thick gauge like a school fence, the warning about wire bottoms is more about thin bird wire, which cuts into a birds feet when they stand on it from their weight. I think this is a much better design and as mentioned, they sleep on a dowl/broomhandle perch .

  15. Richyy934 says:

    imagine the chickens looking down at noght and seeing a fox

  16. tyrannosaurboy says:

    i think to have too much ornaments and statues in the coop

  17. Patrick Evans says:

    i love the use of an old desk as a coop
    you have a good looking setup for the # of birds you have
    well done & thank you

  18. Irishgirl41 says:

    has there been any problems with the chicken claws and feet catching/ getting stuck in the bottom of the coop

  19. RaJa Taing says:

    I love it!!

  20. R Helyard says:

    thanks for your great post. Great that you were inspired to build something similar!

  21. R Helyard says:

    Chickens go to coop to sleep!! They walk over the steel mesh (about 20 seconds) and then stand/sleep on their specially designed wood perch (about 3 inches wide). The air flow creates a perfect temperature in a temperate climate. Their laying box has fresh straw as well as fresh spikes of lavender. The poo falls directly out of the cage, keeping it really clean. They have 3 sources of water, as well as fresh food and greens daily. Their chicken run is bigger than some back yards. Chicken Hilton!

  22. Miss Lucy says:

    Aussies. So dinky diary!

  23. U Wantit says:

    I personally felt the cage design at the back was not very chicken friendly at all. Infact i considered it inchicmane

  24. tstanleymk4you says:

    What an awesome idea. I’ve been raising chickens for 30+ yrs and I love the ideas. Thank you

  25. 972miles says:

    My husband and I built out coop using this video for inspiration. This is such a great idea and our girls love it. Thank you for this video. Your coop is fantastic!

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