How to build chicken nest boxes out of recycle 20 litre pail
Recorded on April 6, 2011 using a Flip Video camera. Instructive video on how to build inexpensive “recycle” type chicken nesting boxes for your chicken coop…
Category: Poultry Coop
Recorded on April 6, 2011 using a Flip Video camera. Instructive video on how to build inexpensive “recycle” type chicken nesting boxes for your chicken coop…
Category: Poultry Coop
You need to be able to remove buckets for cleaning or relocation. Air holes
at the back are a good idea, especially in summer, so don’t mount them
flush to a wall.
I would use super glue
We used the left over T111 from building the coop for 2 nest boxes, but
this is a great Idea I’m going to try this too and see if the Ladies have a
I think this design would not be very sturdy, be difficult to clean, and
has not ventilation. Sorry, I dislike.
“Fowl Stuff” nesting boxes have already been designed. They are excellent
and well worth the purchase. I believe it is a copyrighted product.
I would place a 2×4 at each outside corner of the roll of bucketnest, then
run a 2×2 just under the lip of the bucketnest. then a second 2×2 for the
hens to use to get in the nest. I can get a few hundred of these green
buckets & lids free. If anyone in South Carolina would like some.
Great video thank you for sharing
@LadybugV7-Why would it matter if Fowl
Stuff had a similar nesting box designed and copyrighted? Maybe they are
well worth the money but this is a dyi video and she’s sharing her dyi
knowledge/giving ideas how to use recycled items. You can share information
on how to make things with other people and make whatever you want for
yourself regardless if someone has a copyright on a similar box.
you can use JB weld to secure the handle
Wow awesome idea! Thank you for sharing
a buck a piece. damn
You can also use a cheap towel rod holder. Just cut the rod to width of the
bucket and mount it onto a 2×3 on the bucket.
You need to drill holes on the side for air flow, great idea thou
The handle can be attached by drilling two small holes on each side lining
up with the angle you decide the perch should be. Next using light wire,
wire them in place. I find the buckets with the metal handles work better.
I usually cut the lid in half and get two fronts out of one lid.
@looggs you are welcome. :o) i figured out how to make the perch in front
of the pails. get some 2 x 4′s and cut them 2″ longer than the depth of the
total pail. Purchase dowling (1″ diam.) and drill 1″ holes in the ends of
the 2x4s. mount the 2x4s on either side of the end buckets on each row.
Slide the dowling thru and across so it sits within the holes in the 2x4s.
You can glue them into place with white wood glue. Hope that helps! ;O)
and they are VERY easy to clean…just pull off the lid, put your hand in
and pull out shavings or straw, then take a cloth or sponge and wash.
SIMPLE. Really, the chickens are only using them for a few minutes to lay
and if they are in a cool building (barn), or a ventilated building (shed
with a fan or open windows), there is no need to ventilate the box. They
are not in it for hours on end, unless they are brooding. If you have
broody hens, then yes, you might want to drill vent holes.
If you cut the top of the lid, fold it down and bolt it to the bottom of
lid, it should be strong enough for the chicken to pirch on, just a idea
Good idea and easy to clean! Thank you.
good idea why buy when you can build
cut a short piece of water hose, split it down one side, open the hose up
and put it over the lid edge , punch two holes in lid and zip tie hose to
I’m not S.C. but would like some here in Las Vegas. email me at
ventilation? just drill holes
Thats an excellent idea, much cheaper and easier than building wooden ones
. We are in process of setting up our chicken coop, so thats a real help.
c’est beau