How to raise Cornish Cross Meat Chickens Watch them GROW Video

| November 18, 2013 | 50 Comments

see more at: See the growth of Cornish Cross Meat Chickens from 3 days to 9 weeks.

By request, here’s how I built my chicken house and the dimensions. If you need plans in order to build a chicken house, here’s a link to a website that sell…
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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. Mary Lam says:

    How much do you feed them per day?

  2. london1817 says:

    well I didn’t want the peta crew on youtube after me every

  3. Ipod711G says:

    You Should Make A Video Of You Killing One Or Show How to Clean it

  4. london1817 says:

    @caliherbs I ate them…but I have paid 17us dollars on the average price
    at any farmers market….that is the going rate in this area.

  5. london1817 says:

    @overunitydotcom We sell baby chics & laying hens ……….. most the time
    1 rooster with 2 hens is the popular one these days. Plus I have my
    favorites as pets just for fun.

  6. london1817 says:

    @YabbaGo no, never why would you say that…..and no i am not paranoid!

  7. Pitdawg2007 says:

    She said “look at all that Shit!”

  8. london1817 says:

    Well thanks! The doors are a pain but it still works.

  9. london1817 says:

    @shortystuff47 Yeah..its hard…I read thats how it always is..but dang the
    best meat ever!

  10. ZunnieShine says:

    @london1817 Really?! You eat them? :O

  11. london1817 says:

    @lovesmarilyn oh thy grow fast! We got silkies at the same time and they
    are still babies!

  12. london1817 says:

    @hallnoats4ever I have always had a giant garden and an orchard but its not
    enough because stuff only grows certain times of the year.

  13. london1817 says:

    @allamericanTRAPPER zip lock freezer bags.

  14. TheTrapper55 says:

    I’m thinking about raising some of these birds. About how many pounds of
    starter and grower does it take to get them to 9 weeks? Also, how many
    pounds are they at 9 weeks?

  15. Ron Larochelle says:

    You think they stink, turkeys stink really bad, I had meat chicken’s and I
    had turkey’s and they stink bad.

  16. Veronica Petracchi says:

    this video helped us alot, we were wondering why they were growing so fast.
    Guess they do!

  17. MrBagginsEsq says:

    @london1817 I may say it but it wouldn’t be true!

  18. london1817 says:

    well, this video is old…I didn’t want to put that part up.

  19. london1817 says:

    I got PETA swingin

  20. london1817 says:

    yes sir…WHOO they are stinkers! & when you try to feed them they go crazy
    and almost get you!

  21. london1817 says:

    “They would have won the smell-a-thon”- Rick.

  22. THATW3IRDKID says:

    Props for the good living conditions and not abusing them.

  23. hallnoats4ever says:

    @london1817 I would have a garden. But after a while I would probably go
    out and kill some meat.

  24. london1817 says:

    @ZunnieShine well…not every night. best chicken you ever ate.

  25. london1817 says:

    good to know…I almost got some turkeys the other day!!

  26. imstillworkin says:

    Thank you!

  27. Jan Coldwater says:

    I just give u a great big round of applause! It is beautiful! And, a great
    video too! SUBSCRIBED!

  28. Jan Coldwater says:

    U go girl!

  29. Alice Christianson says:

    you are an awesome builder!

  30. imstillworkin says:

    I had the same concerns and the vinyl floor has worked out great. The
    chickens don’t slip on it. I keep plenty of straw and wood chips on the
    floor and the floor cleans up easily. The poop doesn’t stick to it like it
    would if it was just a wood floor.

  31. sissy poo says:

    I am working on a design for new chicken house. You mention that you put
    vinyl floor covering over your plywood floor. How do you think this is
    working out for the chickens? Any problems with them moving about on the
    vinyl…such as slipping or hurting their feet or legs particularly when
    jumping on or off their roosts?

  32. David Allen says:

    In a word “Impressive!

  33. 22justus2 says:

    My sister has about 30 and everyday she spends at least 30-45 minutes just
    sitting in the pen and watching them. A lot of “chicken pen politics” go
    on. You’d be amazed at their little chicken society. They really do have a
    pecking order!!

  34. cheryl burleson says:

    Just wondered where this is? There doesn’t seem to be any concessions made
    to the weather. I live in St. Augustine, fl. and am ready to build and like
    your design, but wonder about ventilation and insulation. Do you get any
    temp. extremes where you are.? If you are close enuf to me could I come
    visit if I get in a bind?

  35. Kathi W says:

    I am not doing anywhere at good as you – this is sooo frusterating never
    having done anything like this before – can you tell me how is the door
    made.. do you have 2×4 on the backside?

  36. fatpius says:

    holy moley, you are an inspiration and def a motivator! I’ve been trying to
    work out in my mind a design for my little gardens that will conserve water
    IN the garden instead of it running out to the yard. compared to this
    project, mine is minor!

  37. imstillworkin says:

    Thank you, the chicken house has worked out well.

  38. ificanucantoo says:

    What a great job you did.

  39. missmamtube says:

    imstillworkin, you have a beautiful chicken house, why it is nice enough to
    be used as a bug out retreat:) Very nice workladyship, and it does help.
    God bless you and yours !

  40. imstillworkin says:

    The wood has been treated to resist rotting while it is exposed to the
    elements outdoors. They call it “salt treated wood”.

  41. imstillworkin says:

    I’ve thought that this design could be used for something like that. The
    storage area could be used as a loft for a bed and there’s enough room for
    most essentials in there.

  42. imstillworkin says:

    Thank you, the hard part was figuring out just how I wanted that chicken
    house and where I wanted it. I’m happy to say that I don’t have any
    regrets. It’s worked out nicely and it’s close enough to the house that I
    can keep an eye on the chickens.

  43. rchopp says:

    You did a fine job building that coop..

  44. imstillworkin says:

    Out of square after the fact ain’t so bad but out of square while you’re
    doing it sure makes life hard, lol.

  45. imstillworkin says:

    Thanks, I’m surprised I remembered how I built it. I usually can’t remember
    what I did yesterday.

  46. 22justus2 says:

    Hmmm…guess we’re all getting our education via utube!! I did the exact
    same thing the other day when I was sewing some maternity pants for my
    daughter…heeheee….I was cutting down a ready made pair of pants and
    sewing a belly band to them and stopped and got on utube to see how it was
    finished out. Worked perfectly!! Oops…we’ve let our little secret out

  47. gourmetgirl69 says:

    I know it has been said before, but I have to comment. YOU ARE AMAZING. I
    like to think I’m pretty DIY orientated but I would never have the courage
    or the talent to attempt something like this. YOU ARE MY HERO! You inspire
    me to go out of my comfort zone and try something like this. God bless!

  48. 1775novten says:


  49. hawkechik says:

    It would be a good way to re-purpose the glass from picture frames, say
    from the thrift store or some such or if you were to have some just lying
    around, as that’s a standard frame size.

  50. imstillworkin says:

    LOL, I caught grief over my chicken and rice video because I was cooking
    chicken and showed grandbaby playing with the chickens. I can only imagine
    what would happen if I made a video of actually putting that rooster in a
    pot. LOL. Note to vegetarians: If you have something against eating meat,
    don’t watch videos called “Chicken and Rice” LOL.

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