How to set up a 4′ x 8′ chicken coop to raise 50+ chickens.

| October 15, 2013 | 34 Comments

This is a quick overview of how we can raise 50+ chickens in a medium size chicken coop that is 4′ x 8′. It’s all about how you set up the roosting area. Als…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Chicken Coop Design - Interior Tour

Our New coop built by my husband for our 6 chickens. I designed it using some of the best ideas from around the internet, primarily the good folks at backyar…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. prince sandhu says:

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  2. jdogminer says:

    im also gonna make a 4 by 8 coop

  3. jdogminer says:


  4. NWRedworms says:

    I would suggest a roofed area outside that will block the snow, probably 12 x 8.

  5. Miriam Fournier says:

    So I want measurements for a chicken coop that is going to house 50 birds in it. They will be free ranged in the summer but cooped up almost all winter (They will be let out but the pen will be full of snow so they won’t walk in it, so they will spend most of there time in the coop) So how big should I build their coop?

  6. NWRedworms says:

    I clean the top shelfves with a mud knife. It quick.

  7. vjconroy532 says:

    Curious how you clean it. Too much poop. And the comment about the dominant hens on top…duh…they don’t wanna get shit on.

  8. 21girlhunter says:

    What do you do with your chickens during the winter?

  9. NWRedworms says:

    I will, but my camera is in the shop so it will be a week or so

  10. Erik Gunner Halvorson says:

    Do a video on the main chicken coop!

  11. NWRedworms says:

    most of our chickens are heritage chickens or crosses of the breeds we have.

  12. faze3todd says:

    next, most important question, where do I get chickens that aren’t GMO

  13. Imakeplanesboom says:

    I need some property! Then I can raise me some chickens!

  14. TheLordHumungus says:

    awesome efficient design

  15. FU OPEC says:

    Nice coop and nice big chicken run,

  16. Ethan West says:


  17. cole chavez says:

    I like ur coop

  18. curmbugeon says:

    Most wonderful. I think you love your chickens:)

  19. Rebecca Shelly says:

    How is the water bucket attached to the handle (I see the hook) but what is the other attachment on the handle? I can’t get the bucket to hang straight. Thanks, nice coop.

  20. eunicep79 says:

    I don’t even have a house and I See chickens having interior design for their coop…

  21. casemanmxm125 says:

    What were the dimensions? I didn’t catch it and don’t really want to look for it… Really nice coop!!

  22. sophie kowal says:

    Happy birthday awesome coop

  23. Ashok kumar says:

    sir,  we have 10 hatching farms for nattu koli(country checks avilb) in tamilnadu, we are supplying every week 10000/- birds if you want any body pls call Mr.Ashok-08344023161……….

  24. katyperrychicks says:

    same. wish you good luck

  25. Odd JobsPro says:

    nice, check out my chicken coop, may help with some ideas. Please subscribe!

  26. paulluna45 says:

    where did you get the door motor?

  27. msdv520 says:

    I was more concerned about the wasps building nests and me getting stung going in the coop..ouch!

  28. msdv520 says:

    Good luck! I’m sure you’ll enjoy raising enjoyable hobby and such fun:)

  29. msdv520 says:

    Thanks, and wish you success with your new coop!

  30. msdv520 says:

    Thank you!

  31. E Frasier says:

    You have a nice voice,and i am working on a new coop everyday.

  32. philmatwat says:

    I am making my coop. I am going to try raising chicken for the first time.

  33. Daniel Nicolae says:

    I wouldn’t worry about the bugs, they are a great source of protein for the chickens and they love bugs.

  34. laurensmixedpoultry says:

    Nice coop

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