| November 19, 2013 | 7 Comments Old friends Gene Bowen and John Densmore recently joined forces to lay down a few songs at The Hen House. Bowen had written the songs man…
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Category: Hen House

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  1. bikerbrom says:

    Gene’s voice reminds a little of Roky Erikson’s. Nice.

  2. ladydawn1973 says:

    Lovely clip.. I added to my favorites :) They are awesome

  3. suzmetal89 says:

    great musicians!!!!!

  4. Amorfon TM says:


  5. April Humphrey says:

    Cousin, that rocked. How fun to see this. I loved the whole thing. You guys
    are great. April

  6. ResearchSoundLab says:

    I love this song. I wouldn’t change anything about it, (voice is perfect
    for this song also). I’ve had this on a playlist for a long, long time now,
    and go find it every month or two. I love it. But where can I get the song
    itself? Where can I get other songs by Gene Bowen? This song is a gem in my
    entire musical experience – no exaggeration.

  7. George Houston says:

    Some of the best music ever never gets out of the garage

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