Marlborough Single Large Deluxe Chicken Coop

| December 10, 2013 | 8 Comments

Video Rating: 5 / 5

Chicken coop

chicken coop in Arizona back yard.

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  1. william smith says:

    Nice coop! Im right in the middle of building one myself. I live in San Tan
    Valley, Az and am just waiting for the summer days to end to finish it up
    and bring in my ladies.

  2. pIants2010 says:

    This is an outstanding design! Verry sturdy. :)

  3. Foehammer54 says:

    Great! The chickens will start laying mid January and I the coop is holding
    up fine. I never knew just how much Poop one chicken can produce, but
    between the six of them it is amazing.

  4. sunnysouth4u says:

    How is the chicken coop going?

  5. afnypoo says:

    This is fantastic I’m going to copy that design

  6. Foehammer54 says:

    in the video we had 4 barred rock and 2 black silkies. They are now about 8
    months old and we get an egg a day from the barred rock. The silkies have
    gone extremely broody and would rather sit on eggs or golf balls than lay,
    but they are good with the kids so we keep them around.

  7. Fingerboarder83 says:

    what kind of chickens are those, r they good layers

  8. FarmMan8802 says:

    thats a nice coop

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