McMurray Hatchery’s Best Automatic Chicken Coop Controller – Full Detail

| January 8, 2014 | 9 Comments

McMurray Hatchery’s Best Chicken Coop Controller is more than just a door opener. It does open the coop door a few min before sunrise and close the door a fe…

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. EH CBunny says:

    I buy standard chicks from a feed store. McMurray’s is cheaper than their
    chicks meant for large farms. I worry about the shipping cost. Anyone can
    give me a heads up. What will cost more the shipping or the 15 chicks.

  2. wifebeater756 says:

    i need something like this for a traped door any ideas

  3. the43k says:

    Nice door controller… Thought I’d buy it… Ahhhh No, I think you have
    been smoking weed, I’m not paying almost 300 bucks for a chicken door.

  4. kanjizaibosatsugyo says:

    I am very excited about this product. There is nothing like this anywhere
    else. Nice work!

  5. David Schmies says:

    Somebody kill that chicken!

  6. Murray McMurray Hatchery says:

    When the door is installed properly, the bottom of the door slides past the
    bottom of the opening by 1/2 inch. This leaves no room for raccoons to get
    their claws under the door. The door is also made of slick plastic so that
    raccoons cannot get a grip on it to lift it.

  7. Victoria Inlow says:

    lol what if one of the chickens is wondering outside when it close

  8. consaka1 says:

    @tmgibs34 LOl no kidding. these people are making my kids pets the most
    expensive living quarters in the neighborhood. For that price it better be
    gold plated. anybody with just a little knowledge of electronics could
    built that from scratch. Possibly do a better job as well.

  9. Micha EL says:

    Sweet, I want one !

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