Minecraft 1.5: Deadly TNT Trap & Chicken Coop Hopper Build

| January 30, 2014 | 25 Comments

Here are some more useful builds for Minecraft 1.5: a very dangerous variation of the TNT Tree Trap that substitutes Minecarts with TNT for a bigger, deadlie…

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. roo miller says:

    whats the seed

  2. Brandon Sanchez says:

    Awesome video

  3. dangermoose125 says:

    Why the fuck sre you copying comments?

  4. RobloxAndMinecraft11 says:

    Why 5 minutes they use to be 10

  5. Jason Slevin says:

    can you use a wooden pressureplate instead of a activator rail?

  6. cooler man says:


  7. Bryan Rodriguez says:

    Adam I used the tree trap on a server I had nothing good but the materials
    to make it and I killed a guy in full enchanted diamond armor THANK YOU

  8. Diana O'Gorman says:

    im sticking my hand inot my butt

  9. ElijuX sametukas says:

    you can use the tree trap as TNT launcher

  10. rininger5957 says:

    your complaining that it’s ugly?

  11. Colby says:

    Adam do you know if Mojang is going to do anything special for Easter like
    tamable bunnies or something like that. (srry if i misspelled anything)

  12. hanishakim1 says:


  13. XNeutral Johnny says:

    o.o wait u forgot to show us how to build those

  14. Sir_Fancy says:

    powered rail would be better so it runs into that wall and blows instantly

  15. TheSwecorp says:

    throw chicken eggs

  16. dangermoose125 says:


  17. SwimmingBird941 says:

    Nothing much, still a bit sick from traveling but trying to get back into
    gear with videos. Thanks for watching!

  18. Rezt x Soldier Mikki andersen says:

    Thanks for that trap !

  19. purple ninja ninja says:

    hello adam

  20. XNeutral Johnny says:

    awww i was sick yesterday

  21. Jorge rincon says:

    Hey can you make a tutorial on how to make That chicken coop please

  22. notdoppler1000 says:

    i love Tnt + Traps…

  23. Carlos Sanchez says:

    If a tree hisses in the forest, does it make a boom? hahahaha that was

  24. neeltje2000 says:

    Adam, you are going to be a HUGE YouTuber! You’re awesome!

  25. TheAXEMAN911 says:

    but they’re just too ugly

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