Mountain House Chicken Breasts and Mashed Potatoes Review

| November 20, 2013 | 25 Comments

Tool Dude Tony show you how to prepare Mountain House Chicken Breasts with Rib Meat and Mashed Potatoes and then he does a review of it. Watch this episode o…
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  1. Theodor LA says:

    Mashed potaters

  2. seattwa says:

    It seems that the rehydration times on some of these meals is to short.
    Even after 5 minutes your chicken wasn’t done yet. I’d give it another 3 or
    4 minutes. After all, you can’t over cook it!

  3. Anthony Gillian says:

    so the storage life is about 25 years,is that right??

  4. Christopher Carlson says:

    Hey Tool Dude, what is your favorite Mountain House dinner? that lasagna
    one was awesome!! brother sent me a few for Christmas last year!

  5. Frozen Angel says:

    im british and i love the way he says potatoes!

  6. ShotgunShooter666 says:

    Anyone else notice he says its the end of March and its uploaded in Oct? :D

  7. Anvilly says:

    I got the same one for $4 at Walmart in the camping section.

  8. John87454 says:

    Im soooo hungry right now. I love the regular military mre so these must be
    ok too.

  9. UniteIreland07 says:

    Looks ok, but it really could use a little packet or two of BBQ sauce for
    the chicken, I think. (5 *****s/Favorited)

  10. Tool Dude Tony says:

    @UniteIreland07 — That’s a great idea. Thanks.

  11. Matthew Rodriguez says:

    hahaha potatas

  12. Mr Mister says:

    lol he shows us his watch for us to see he’s not lying about the time nah
    man, very nice vid..better than other ones out there

  13. edskate123 says:

    Hey can u do a review on that cook kit u have

  14. Lycosa says:

    Damn its a cheat it has onions i dont like yuck onion and garlic no no…
    But looks good, chicken and mashed potatos yum

  15. Tool Dude Tony says:

    I believe that is an el cheapo from Wally World.

  16. lalalandd123 says:


  17. PinballWizard72 says:

    The chicken has a bland taste…but ill eat it when….

  18. inkey2 says:

    betty crocker used to make the best damn instant mashed potatos I ever
    ate…..THEN…..they changed the formula to GLUTEN-FREE. Thow they taste

  19. Tool Dude Tony says:

    @blakeX84 — That’s a good idea. I may just do that. Thanks

  20. uncoolkid2 says:

    i didnt care for the mashpotatos but the chicken was good with a little
    salt and pepper.

  21. rainbowhiker says:

    Haven’t tried this one either. I did see another video where they added the
    potatos to the bag with the chicken breasts still in there and let the
    whole thing sit longer. They all seem to work better if you leave them in
    longer than suggested. Anyway, thanks for the review.

  22. NaturalGroundation says:

    Yum Bisphenol A

  23. Jennifer Harshbarger says:

    so, I’m not reading the back of the package like you are, but when you read
    it it sounds like the instructions say that you need to put the chicken in
    for a few minutes, and then ADD the spuds, leaving the chicken in. That
    would make the chicken a little more rehydrated, right? cause it would get
    the full six minutes in the water. just a thought.

  24. patti smith says:

    The chicken looks interesting they should have added barbecue sauce it
    would have tasted better. The potatoes looked yummy. Great review:)

  25. KickDownDoors says:

    The proper way is to drink boiling water and then swallow the breast and

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