Mountain House – Noodles & Chicken

| January 4, 2014 | 8 Comments

I filmed this a couple months ago — it was good grub!

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Category: Chicken House

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  1. SurviveN2 says:

    I just caught the MH stuff at my local Walley Mart on clearance sale for $3
    a bag. Needless to say I walked away with a few of them…..LOL. Take Care

  2. Grubkat says:

    I’ll be taking that backpacking next go ’round. The breakfast skillet needs
    tortillas for sure. FYI.

  3. RevAlesterSharpton says:

    i love mountain house eat a ton a couple weeks ago backpacking, fyi stay
    away from the eggs grubkat ate some and it smelled and looked weird

  4. 762x51n8o says:

    @ChefTactical I agree on all of your points. I think of all the backpack
    food companies out there, Mt. House is the most consistently good. Others
    have more dud meals.

  5. Beeper Man says:

    Glad you are doing these vids. Good info.

  6. 762x51n8o says:

    @RevAlesterSharpton The egg meal that I reviewed is my favorite, that one
    is awesome.

  7. ChefTactical says:

    Just picked up 3 cases of mt house….MUCH prefer freeze dried food over
    canned food…..multitudes lighter, and doesn’t require cooking. Gonna be
    picking up more for sure. Best choice for pack food, next to an MRE, I

  8. 762x51n8o says:

    @Grubkat Yeah, you’re probably right. I ate it without, but Tortillas would
    be good. Maybe some salsa — I love breakfast burritos.

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