My Chicken coop heater

| January 3, 2014 | 8 Comments

This is my chicken coop heater than i bought over the winter. After i had atken this videos i cleaned the chicken coop out and cleaned the slabs.

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  1. Dominic Lutwyche says:

    @bigbollocks69 I dont quite know i just got it from a local shop

  2. Kayti Sullivan says:

    I live in NH where it gets very cold and I will need to keep my chickens
    comfortable. what is the heater? Where do I get one? The local farm supply
    stores around here think I”m nuts to consider heating a coop.

  3. ycuy says:

    I have 1 chicken and am thinking about what kind of heater. Thanks for your

  4. MegaCozzy says:

    @ycuy cook it that will warm it

  5. BreathofLife Ministries UK says:

    thank your video really helped, my chicks are 5 weeks old and they are
    going out mid December. Thanks

  6. jim g says:

    there’s no chance for mr. coon to open it up? i hate coon they killed my
    rabbits. nice work on this box bro

  7. TreeTrappin says:

    You are a genius.

  8. Susan Brownell says:

    nice idea!!! How’s it working for you?

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