My Chicken Coop, My Run And My Hens

| January 13, 2014 | 13 Comments

My Chicken Coop, My Run And My Hens

This is my chicken coop, and my 45 chickens and my run, ill show you some cool tips.
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  1. paintball644 says:

    i like the way you built your run oh and btw somebody help!!!! i spray my
    yard but can i still feed them the grass and thanks

  2. ItIsIndeedy Josh says:

    Be careful with the grass clippings mate. It can cause compacted crop

  3. Steve Mitchell says:

    Nice coop and run but I have to agree with other comments. Way to many
    chicks for the space provided. Nice flock of birds!

  4. breyerluver100 says:

    Awesome chicken coop and chickens! :)

  5. Armed Baustared says:

    Wayyyyy too many birds in that space, well built setup though.

  6. Lori H says:

    we put our waterer up on cinder blocks in a cornor it stays clean 5 gallon
    bucket hung for a feeder and we are good to go great coop. where do you
    live cold climate hot ??

  7. da cave dweller says:

    so who’s chickens are there

  8. 1065chris says:

    do you eat em

  9. SuperJohndeere7930 says:

    class pen like ur hens , i have 60 hens there a good intrest

  10. casey1360 says:

    hey man how are the leghorn like freindly wise

  11. Corn Chips says:

    Nice coop tour. Thanks for showing it to us.

  12. da cave dweller says:


  13. MrBagginsEsq says:

    Nice looking coop. Though to be on the safe side if I had a coop that big
    I’d still only keep about 15-20 chickens in there. Even that is difficult
    on just 1.1 acres!

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