My chicken house

| December 5, 2013 | 18 Comments

The chicken little ranch aka the chicken castle.
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Category: Chicken House

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  1. PrepItForward says:

    I fink you hubby is ver talented and very fursty for beer

  2. Dee Zak says:

    That was awesome of your husband to do that for you. I love your
    Hydrangeas! Those are beautiful!

  3. 1952Jeep says:

    That is one nice chicken house, chickens are soo much fun! Wife and I love
    ours! Good luck!

  4. Tammy Jo says:

    that has to be one of the cutest chicken coops ever.. Hubby did a fantastic
    job.. I know you love it.. TJ

  5. Hope Pruitt says:

    very nice!!

  6. wyattoneable says:

    Wow, that is the coolest chicken coop I’ve even seen. I noticed someone
    said they were going to steal that idea and I can’t say that I blame them.
    Very nice.

  7. SCHalfAssPrepper says:

    Hey girl great coop wow

  8. BigMeat Sunday says:

    Your husband’s is a good man! talented too

  9. imstillworkin says:

    That is without a doubt the cutest chicken house I’ve ever seen. Great job!

  10. rblwoaclu2 says:

    I’m totally stealing this idea.

  11. SCHalfAssPrepper says:

    Get some peat moss for under the coop

  12. ilovety65 says:

    omg that is the cutest!I can;t wait to get some chickens.

  13. mammysinthekitchen says:

    Wow! I love the chicken castle! Kudos to your husband…I’d say he’s a
    keeper. Beautiful hydrangeas.

  14. brendahere says:

    ADORABLE is the right word. Its what I thought the second I saw it. I like
    the way it offers shade underneath. you dh is a keeper

  15. PopPrepper says:

    An ALL inclusive chicken resort!! The absolute BEST I have ever seen…

  16. JoeandZachSurvival says:

    What a hen house, its adorable, and your plants are doing great as well.
    Thanks for showing us. Joe

  17. goosearrow says:

    That is one fancy chicken coop! It looks like a playhouse. : ) Good job

  18. EarthFairy100 says:

    That is a Taj Mahal for chicken! Adorable.

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