My Chicken House While It Was Under Construction.

| December 13, 2013 | 12 Comments

This is a video that I made probably 2 years ago. most of the lumber that you see (other than the radius edge deck boards) is salvaged material. I really lik…
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  1. Curiosidades Extrano says:

    It’s a great looking chicken coop.

  2. VivianRinSC says:

    allowed to pick anything up or to even lean forward. He had an MRI done
    soon after his 1st doc visit. Doc sent him to a neurosurgeon. He saw the
    specialist in late January. Doctor was amazed. By the MRI he should have
    been in a wheelchair. Doc couldn’t believe that not only was my husband
    walking/functioning he was only in discomfort, no real pain. Per the MRI,
    doc had been ready to schedule surgery for the next day! I do try to take
    good care of my man. :) I had to wait until he was willing.

  3. SustenanceNCovering says:

    @jimbobubbadj I’ll make one today.

  4. jim bo says:

    Show us the finished product, Cheers.

  5. stayingawake20 says:

    Way cool!!!

  6. SustenanceNCovering says:

    @stayingawake20 I was talkin’ all calm in this video, but in my heart I was
    sayin’ Oh My God, When is this going to be over?

  7. SustenanceNCovering says:

    never really worked off a plan. I just stacked all the lumber that I had
    found in one pile according to size and figured out how big I could make my
    chicken house with what I had. But this would be a good shelter for someone
    who wanted to live a minimalist lifestyle. If I was single I would have no
    problem living in this building. But, the chickens would have to go.

  8. luznegra says:

    do you have some plans for us ?

  9. SustenanceNCovering says:

    @steveyboy3333 I never really worked off a plan. I just stacked all the
    lumber that I had found in one pile according to size and figured out how
    big I could make my chicken house with what I had. But this would be a good
    shelter for someone who wanted to live a minimalist lifestyle. If I was
    single I would have no problem living in this building. But, the chickens
    would have to go.

  10. Steve Roberson says:

    Man Sustenance I like this house , I would love to see some plans you have
    for this so I could build a bigger version to live in , very interested in
    the details !Maybe you could do a video on the details some day ! See ya’s

  11. VivianRinSC says:

    I too have to deal with back pain. From a childhood injury that was totally
    mishandled at the military hospital. Not one xray, just pain meds. Didn’t
    know I had it until my first pregnancy when I couldn’t walk at times. Later
    learned what spinal damage I had. So I try to be real careful with how I
    lift & do things. I hope you’ve found ways to relieve the pain & snap back

  12. VivianRinSC says:

    Hubs ruptured a disc right before Christmas. His back was hurting & to
    prove he was getting better he did stretches which made it worse. He got to
    the point he couldn’t walk before seeing doctor or listening to me. I got
    him to go to a chiropractor. While there one therapy relieved his pain. It
    was a slanted table that hooked onto his legs while lowing his head. So for
    an early Christmas present, I got him an inversion table. That really
    helped. I helped him with his socks & shoes. He wasn’t…

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