News from the Hen House

| March 12, 2014 | 10 Comments

News from the Hen House

Just showing what my hens are laying right now. You won’t believe the size of this one!

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Category: Hen House

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  1. PreparedHousehold says:

    @spinnerky2 Well, I am glad to hear it. I hope no injuries are occuring to
    my girls. :)

  2. americangamefowl says:

    @SimplyIncredulous Passing eggs too large for the hens frame can dislocate
    her pelvis. One or two eggs like that won’t hurt her long term, but it’s
    not good for her. Laying more than 1 or 2 giant eggs per year can
    eventually cripple her. Boosting the calcium in her diet can help
    sometimes. It can also result from unbalanced ration. The
    calcium:phosphorous ratio should be as close to 2:1 as possible.

  3. americangamefowl says:

    Your hen probably needs more calcium in her diet.

  4. SimplyIncredulous says:

    My grandma used to say that when a hen started laying eggs that were too
    big,, the hen would go in the pot for chicken soup. Something about the hen
    getting injured. Sorry I don’t have more info. Unfortunately I didn’t pay
    close attention to her pearls of wisdom back in those days. Wish I had….

  5. Bill Jacobson says:

    I got a big one like that this spring too. I don’t see any signs of it
    doing damage to the chicken but it can’t be good for her. Was yours a
    double yolker?

  6. spinnerky2 says:

    Prepared–I get big eggs too. My customers love them and I have not noticed
    any injuries to the hens. It is hard to close the lid on the boxes of eggs
    I sell, sometimes I use baling twine to hold the dozen together:).

  7. mrcouldbeworse says:

    poor hen lol great video thanks for sharing

  8. PreparedHousehold says:

    @SimplyIncredulous I hope this is just a fluke then, because the one we
    suspect laid it is my favorite. She lays beautiful chocolate colored eggs.
    Thanks for sharing. We will keep an eye out for injuries.

  9. RookieGardner says:

    I think I heard that hen scream all the way here in Los Angeles when she
    laid that egg! ;-)

  10. PreparedHousehold says:

    @billjacobson1967 – Yep. He cracked it tonight and it was a double yolker.

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