Paul Gautschi’s Chicken Coop – Back to Eden garden Q&A – L2Survive with Thatnub

| November 15, 2013 | 16 Comments

I finally got usable footage of Paul Gautschi’s, Back to Eden garden chicken coop.

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  1. L2Survive says:

    I haven’t measured it but, I have a video showing the complete run from the
    inside called “Back to Eden Chicken Pen”.

  2. Osborne Casa de Labranza says:

    What size is the chicken run, not the coop?

  3. L2Survive says:

    Next February I think we will be ready to order our chicks. I can’t wait.

  4. MindOverEverything says:

    Thanks for that inside peek. Chickens poop on everything, all the time. I
    guess their attitude is “Hey, our poop makes great fertilizer. I know it.
    You know it. So I’m just gonna poop whenever the urge strikes me, wherever
    I am.”

  5. BritchesAndBrambles says:

    If there was no smell (as L2Survive said), then it really isn’t unsanitary.
    It just looks that way on camera. If you watch the chickens walking in this
    video, their feet are clean and the floor bedding is dry. The sawdust
    absorbs the droppings and neutralizes the odor. That is some power-packed
    compost! ~ Michelle

  6. L2Survive says:

    Paul only uses the feed if it snows and covers the ground so the chickens
    cannot eat normally. That trash can full of seed has been at that same
    level since the first time I went out there. As for saving seed and what
    not, I have a video coming up soon where he talks about what he grows from
    seed or not.

  7. mamaknock says:

    Thanks L2S for posting this I’ve been watching for it…chickens are
    regular poop machines for they were talking about you being in
    their house lol!. I’m in a residential area also..small coop up on 4x4s w/3
    boxes but only 6 hens not quite laying age yet. Love to watch them. It’s
    very relaxing and the poop goes in the composter.

  8. Hammock Sponge says:

    Yeah…. they will be your best friend if you have feed to give them.
    Wow!!! the feed he has is top shelf. Oats instead of corn…. Sweet. Did
    the roosters try to protect the girls while you were there. Nothing tastes
    better than a rooster who has speared you for two to three years. KFC just
    can’t duplicate that kind of flavor.

  9. Frank5921 says:

    Great video, did the chicken coop have a sour smell or just that chickeny
    smell that chickens have. Just wondering, I like the set up but I live in
    the middle of a residential neighborhood I think my neighbors would call
    the department of health on me for leave the chicken coop in that condition
    even thou that’s how you care for them naturally.

  10. foggymedia says:

    looks unsanitarybut better they’re there than a commercial factory chicken

  11. heismyhightower says:

    Hello L2, You can also use PEAT MOSS for the floor in the coop, this works
    great & no smell. In the nest boxes you can put some STRAW , they really
    like that. blessings

  12. L2Survive says:

    It had no smell at all. If you couldn’t hear or see the chickens, you
    wouldn’t even have known you where in a chicken coop. It smelled just like
    I was standing in the woods.

  13. L2Survive says:

    Yeah, he chased me a bit. Maybe I will put footage of that at the end of
    one of my videos after the credits.

  14. IronPatriotTN says:

    Those chickens were not happy that you were in their house. lol. Thanks for
    the tour!

  15. L2Survive says:

    All they wanted to do was to go outside. Whenever I got close to the door
    they were at my feet.

  16. commonsensehomestead says:

    Chickens are just unsanitary. God made them that way. I was curious to see
    grain in there for feed. I thought he said he did not supplement with
    grain. I bet it was just a winter supplement. Good video. Next time you go
    that way I would like to know if he saves his own seeds at all. I know he
    uses heirloom but I he did not say anything about keeping his own. Thanks
    for the video.

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