Poultry Farming Advancements – America’s Heartland

| December 9, 2013 | 25 Comments

Poultry Farming Advancements - America's Heartland

We’re eating more chicken today than ever before. With increased chicken choices at fast food restaurants and chicken being a popular choice for those lookin…
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  1. Kenneth Justin Underwood says:

    This is all a lie and a piss poor market video. I know Cobb chicken and
    like their management this company is a damn joke. The truth is this
    company has a extremely high mortality rate, leg health can be described as
    crap, and bird health is non-existent, and bio-security roflmao! Seriously
    go somewhere else this is a world wide crap chicken especially the

  2. VIPmsg says:

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  3. barebackjack2010 says:

    okay yall are really ignorant. first of all, a chicken can no be
    artificially inseminated. the males really are used for breeding. there
    are no homones in the chickens feed because that is illegal to do, all the
    hormones that are in chicken are produced by the chicken. chicken is not
    ground up alive or thrown away to die in a dumpster. before yall say all
    of this you should really do your research. the chickens have plenty of
    room in the houses as well

  4. williem wonder says:

    Hi, am Segun, am day old chicks sexer,I need a permanent chicks sexer job.
    I have 8years experience ,and I have less than 2% error and I sex 1000 –
    1200 per hour, sir I will be very greatful if you can get me a job. My
    email: williemwonder@gmail.com. +2348037955351 thank so mush . Hope to hear
    from you soon

  5. Palm Red Devils says:

    Party a few days.

  6. Colin Wright says:

    “produce” The problem is not that”society” doesn’t understand something you
    do understand. The problem is that you DON’T understand that you are a
    party to killing BILLIONS of innocent beings, and not “products.” Until you
    stop looking at living beings as “products” you will rain misery, agony,
    disease, and death down on the heads of you and everyone else in “society.”

  7. Kamui says:

    do you feed any of the animals hormones?

  8. Damien Dark says:

    na iam good now that i dont eat food like this iam not sick

  9. Sm l says:

    Clearly no obvious bias here! They have hardly any space to move and they
    deceitfully missed out the fact that male chicks are often ground up alive
    or thrown away in a dumpster to die.

  10. Sm l says:

    Yes they are: Here are three video sources proving that this is bullshit.
    watch?v=I6i2zg-dkOs watch?v=UqLNH0D-iDo watch?v=enwU5jIXSlU

  11. mahmud12341000 says:

    Very good

  12. Kelsey Johnston says:

    . “separated by sex, the males for breeding and the females for broilers”
    Lies… They don’t use all the males for breeding. Chickens in factory
    farms are artificially inseminated using semen collected from very few,
    select roosters. All the other male chicks get either thrown away alive, or
    are ground up while still alive and awake.

  13. HearingEveryRhyme says:

    I was referring to the idea of “carrying capacity” (google it) and how we’d
    be able to live on this planet much more harmoniously if we restricted
    ourselves to small, highly technological tribes that respect nature and try
    to minimize suffering in all aspects of life. Think about how much less
    violence there would be if every couple that has kids only has 1.

  14. parcel porcine says:

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  15. mackat4ck says:

    Battery cages are certainly a disgrace and they should be outlawed! They
    prevent natural chicken behaviour! Barn conditions are much better as they
    give movement space, some natural lighting, dust for dust baths and other
    things that chickens need to be healthy. Barns aren’t perfect and are still
    crowded, but lets consider that many humans actively choose to live in
    crowded conditions, so it can’t be all that bad…

  16. finchiestiffler79 says:

    I don’t think that broilers are separated by sex, the one that’s being
    sexed at day old are the layers, the narrator is a fool.

  17. Thianro Uklian says:

    You are correct.

  18. TheEoaj says:

    i am glade someone is with me. i am saying this is wrong to KR3Wnumbauno
    and i was starting to lose hope because he/she thinks this is alright. i
    like you :D :D

  19. EggPlantPocky03 says:

    I watched “From Farm to Fridge” before this… *shudder*

  20. Goitsemang Selataneg says:

    how do you know a male and female while still young

  21. Steve-O says:


  22. TheEoaj says:

    um yes i am againts animals being hurt, i said nothing about me being
    against people getting hurt especially when they are hurting animals. I am
    not being immature i am showing my opinion just like you are. i am simply
    showing that i think this is wrong and you are showing that you think this
    is right. I am not immature and i resent that comment.

  23. Andy Nguyen says:

    For farming and poultry supply check out facebook dot com /

  24. Tristan Baur says:

    I can’t believe people believe these liars. This is all lies. They make it
    sound like they care for the chickens health.

  25. harihk370 says:

    pig form.

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