qail thai chicken house update

| November 12, 2013 | 38 Comments

I used Free pallets to build this chicken coop and with a few other purchased materials. explained in the video. Showing the Update of my free pallet chicken…

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  1. QaibEj916 says:

    Damn nice ass coop. I like

  2. plucker cha says:

    that the best coop got to cost u a lot of money sale a couple good ace
    should pay for it

  3. cvaj1978 says:

    i did that ,thats how i got my Bully

  4. bigbirdythoj says:

    love the coop really clean

  5. stockvangboi says:

    brother that is the biggest and nicest chicken coop build i’ve seen from a
    hmong brother. great job, wish one day i can do that. keep it up

  6. Hmoob Yaj says:

    Build a nice ass coop better make sure your birds plays really good to
    deserve to stay in there

  7. Kayeng Chang says:

    nice birds at 5:20 r they for sale

  8. Kayeng Chang says:

    n the one at 7:00

  9. Ali Aseels says:

    Brilliant chicken house, great work. You also have very good birds

  10. brian lee LilKidd says:

    nice coop… :)

  11. Vacho321 says:

    Wow I luv your chicken coop set up!!! You must spent alot of money building

  12. Crazy888Ninja says:

    Very nice!

  13. Hmmmkell says:

    Nice man looks good keep up the good work

  14. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thanks for watching…

  15. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Glad to help. I wouldn’t personally consider myself qualified enough to
    make a video of such degree. I believe there are much more educated Chicken
    tenders to learn from when it comes to all the mumbo jumbo… I just keep
    the feed/water clean and full, collect eggs and let them run free range and
    be happy chickens. If something major happens we have a local vet that will
    do the Important stuff. :) Most definitely save money if you have the
    little time n good size space to free range them.

  16. MiWilderness says:

    Thanks Joe, Is there any diseases or parasites to watch out for? You ever
    make a video on how to care for chickens? It sounds like it would be a lot
    of fun and we eat lots of eggs and chicken, so maybe save some money too.

  17. MiWilderness says:

    Will do, fence in the garden. Check!

  18. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thanks I appreciate the advice and info. :)

  19. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    They were… Silly Geese huh.? I am surrounded by Corn fields. we figured
    they were looking to feed? I just thought it would be funny to share. :)

  20. Tracy Bruring says:

    You can separate out your broody hen and let her keep her eggs and hatch
    them; she is not producing when she is broody anyway; also she will only
    eat and drink and poop once a day;

  21. Tracy Bruring says:

    were these geese really going the wrong way? that worries me

  22. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Thanks buddy!

  23. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    George is my favorite turd…:) But really I haven’t decided the attack
    yet… lol Yellow Jackets are arch Rivals of mine… When I was a kid
    around 5 years old. I was swarmed and stung along with my brother who got
    it worse than I did. I ran faster than him… So Now we make yellow Jacket
    burgers and eat them for breakfast… Haha…

  24. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Burn um…. hahha! Ahhh hahahaha!!!

  25. TheAccidental ExtractionService says:

    ahaha great video

  26. Douglas Christie says:

    I loved how you got the camera right up into George’s face. Also when you
    said, “say good night everybody”, all the chickens got quiet for a moment.
    lol What are you gonna do about the yellow jackets?

  27. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Funny how you say things like they are fact! Sorry But I’m going to say
    this as nice as possible. I’ve been around Farms and chickens my whole life
    That might not be long. But I know for a FACT the bigger farms around here
    use 2×3 and or even 2×4 lumber and haven’t had a problem for 75+ years…
    Just saying! 90% of the chicken coops you will find and or buy will have
    square or not round poles. Your idea is good but not Fact! Thanks :)

  28. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    We make sure the feed bin is full and fresh water daily. Otherwise pretty
    simple. Spring is the best time to start them. You might have eggs by
    august give or take a few? many things factor that. Winter as long as they
    have a good place to get out of the wind and weather they should be fine.
    We help them with a heat lamp on cold nights. Never hurts in my opinion.
    also they will continue to lay all winter if they are warm and happy. :)
    Hope This helps Eggs are delicious and I know thr Fresh!

  29. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Chickens are a lot of fun… They each have a personality and show it lol.
    but they are in my opinion pretty cheap to buy and keep. We use more feed
    in the winter because they don’t free range much but when no snow on the
    ground they are all free and eat all the bugs and thatch the grass in some
    places… :) if you do free range them fence in the gardens or you can kiss
    them goodbye. we only let them in the garden when its finished producing.
    Time 5 mins in the morning and 5 mins at night

  30. MiWilderness says:

    the chicken coop looks real nice. We’d like to get a few chickens, but not
    sure what all goes into it or how much time they’d take to care for.

  31. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Good idea Thanks… But fixing the perch gives me something to do
    sometimes… :) Lol But really I may have to do that soon. They just kick
    it out I put boards up to contain it and they still insist on cleaning them
    out clean. Unfortunately I have tried and we lost more with bedding because
    of them kicking it all out it could be the roosters I have not noticed who
    is doing it… Thanks for watching and leaving a comment. :)

  32. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Haha he makes a better watcher for the flock for right now… :)

  33. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    when the nesting boxes had straw/bedding we lost more eggs… Because they
    kicked them out with the bedding.

  34. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    I was expecting that comment! I have been putting bedding in the nesting
    boxes since I’ve had these chickens two years coming and they insist on
    kicking and cleaning them out! You come tell them otherwise :) They lay
    over a dozen a day I don’t think they can lay any better than that. Thanks
    for the concern my roosters will hold the fort Just fine… We have not had
    a problem since big george and little Calvin have been around… Thanks for
    watching and leaving a comment.

  35. Beth DeRoos says:

    Where is the straw in the nests? Hens lay better if there is straw or some
    type of bedding. Also means less broken eggs. We use the long wood poles
    for clothes closets as roosts bacause its better for their feet if a roost
    is rounded. Here in the Sierra we have to put fine mesh construction wire
    under the flooring and up the outside half way, otherwise racoons, opposum,
    bob cat etc will chew threw the wood to get inside. Also keeps mice/rats
    out, although we dont have that problem.

  36. Joe mamma says:

    George make good soup !

  37. Oldtimer Lee says:

    Enjoyed the video. Tip: Cut some sapling poles long enough to span area. If
    they sag, cut Y shaped one & use like a clothes line prop. We’ve always
    used poles, as chickens can grip them easier than dimensional lumber. FWIW.
    We’ve always kept hay, or an equivalent, in our nesting boxes. Eggs seem to
    stay cleaner & fewer ones get broken. Just a thought, since — if it ain’t
    broke, don’t fix it. :-)

  38. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    I have a quick little video of calvin and jimmy sparing bouncing around
    like little ninjas… Lol I put the link to the video in the description :)

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