Rhode Island Red Chicken Coop

| December 6, 2013 | 6 Comments

Rhode Island Red Chicken Coop

Just a look at my chicken coop setup.
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How to Build a Chicken Coop

How to build a chicken coop big enough for about 10 chickens.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Chicken Coop

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  1. ChrisGrowingOrganic says:

    with all that nice soft straw on the floor you might have a hard time
    keeping them eggs in the boxes. :)

  2. prou2bhispana says:

    how you keep it warm?

  3. GardeningJones says:

    @prou2bhispana There’s no need to heat it. Here in NE USA although it gets
    very cold, their body heat and the coop itself keeps them warm. We also
    have chickens that are bred for colder areas.

  4. GardeningJones says:

    @ChrisGrowingOrganic I was concerned after reading your comment, although
    our flock was already used to straw. So far, the older girls are laying in
    the boxes, and altho I’ve found an egg here and there from the new Ladies,
    they are moving to the box as well. Thanks for giving me the heads up on

  5. MarshmallowVogt says:

    Cool project

  6. GardeningJones says:

    @MarshmallowVogt Thanks! And The Ladies like their new place.

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