Scary Hawk in the Chicken Coop – Hide Behind Dad!

| February 27, 2014 | 25 Comments

Life here on the farm is full of excitement. The chickens go NUTS when they see or hear a hawk. They know that their presence is not a good thing for them. T…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

building a new coop.

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  1. Blake Kirby says:

    Check out the kids having a good time looking at this Hawk that got stuck
    in the chicken coop. Don’t worry the bird was released unharmed.

  2. Blake Kirby says:

    Wild hawk accidentally caught in a chicken coop. It was released to be

  3. NewEnglandgardening says:

    I wonder if that guy took out the owl? I recently captured a larger hawk
    on video in my neighborhood.

  4. Thumperlane Homestead says:

    Loved the video, Even though it scared me that one actually got in the
    coop….. but putting the perp next to the victim? The poor silky was
    shaking in terror and the hawk was all ‘what chicken? I didn’t peck at any
    chicken!’ ;-)

  5. Vid xpress says:

    Very interesting story. I have to struggle with these predators daily on my
    chicken farm in Harriman, Tennessee. I have had coyotes, dogs, cats,
    raccoon, opossum,and mink to pray upon my chickens. It is an everyday
    effort to keep them safe.

  6. Yaritza Bazan says:

    Its nature……. what ya gonna do?? :)

    But i was cryin i love all my birds but its life ……. wat ya gonna do:)

  7. Khue Nguyen says:

    it’s was so pretty, thanks for this video. it’s was a pretty rare chance.

  8. yari0138 says:

    The poor hawk was all like

    ” let me gooooooo!” It looked cute
    Once there was a hawk and it killed 5 of my doves in the aivary. Its
    nature, we didnt kill it, we relocated it in a refuge..,,,.

  9. supernatureboy2012 says:

    Please make a chicken and duck update video! :)

  10. ghayath2011 says:

    Thanks for your videos. how many acres is your farm?

  11. John A says:

    Thanks for the cool video! But just wondering isn’t that illegal? You were
    technically keeping it captive.

  12. yipiiiXD says:

    I’m pretty sure it’s a Cooper’s Hawk :)

  13. pjbridges94 says:

    It is absolutely rediculous… the condition of 2x4s these days. At the big
    box stores I have to hunt and peck to find a couple of semi straight pieces
    of lumber. I found that my local privately owned lumber yard has better
    materials, of course they cost a bit more, but worth the extra. I don’t
    know about you, but i have a difficult time squaring up my structures with
    that crap warped lumber. I find it rather frustrating! I love the idea that
    you are using free pallets too.

  14. mobilemover44 says:

    nice coop your building. i stapled cardboard on the inside of mine work
    real good here in ky.

  15. woodturningjohn says:

    Looking good, will enjoy seeing how this comes ago. I used to work at one
    of the big trucking outfits and could take home a truck load of wood a day,
    I miss that. Looking forward to seeing how this project turns out.

  16. Teddybear500 says:


  17. ttitanic121 says:

    good idea….removable free range chicken coop

  18. meatloafzombie says:

    You could save a couple bucks buy using 90 degree roof to wall metal
    instead of a ridge cap. I own a roofing company and use this for sheds and
    coup’s that dont have ridge venting.

  19. Ildiko Mester says:

    wow! you have snow on the ground already! looking good!

  20. Sorren11 says:

    Great Job! My husband loves those pallets, he is always draggin them home.

  21. gaoveralls says:

    It’s looking good!

  22. coffeefish says:

    You ever find out what was eating your chickens?

  23. Lois Laney says:

    You are off to a great start, will stay tuned.

  24. JRSKICK1 says:

    looking great..

  25. Jesse Walley says:

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