Small Chicken Coop

| February 9, 2014 | 8 Comments

Shows my chicken coop set up, and 3 barred rocks, 1 araucana mix, bantam rooster, and bantam hen and 3 of her one week old chicks.
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Our exclusive Chicken Coop Predator Prevention System is extremely simple and easy to implement with your Chicken Condo Chicken Coop. This system is made fro…
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  1. lcutie36 says:

    the banty is a mille fluere….

  2. vidaminfeeder2 says:

    dont tell me you replaced the pigeons with chickens

  3. ebmizer says:

    No, had the chickens long before the pigeons. Both call this place home.

  4. nbrcrollers says:

    nice chicks.

  5. ebmizer says:

    Thanks, I wondered what they were, got them from the farm store, and they
    did not know. The best I could figure was some kind of aracana,(not sure if
    that spelling is right) since they have tufts on their cheeks.

  6. Nelmes007 says:

    Are u selling any pigeons or chickens

  7. Azn Yang says:

    Nice I never seen a feather foot chicken.

  8. Nelmes007 says:

    Are u selling and pigeons or chickens

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