Snows Eggs – Wintering in the Chicken Coop

| February 6, 2014 | 25 Comments

We live in upstate New York and this is how we handle our chickens in the winter. Our chicken laid eggs just about everyday throughout the winter. It is grea…
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  1. Jonis Strods says:

    what do you do about freezing water? I live in upstate and as a kid we just
    gave them warm water each day. Do you have a heater?

  2. shona jay says:

    im in michigan and it gets cold here any help on building my coop I would

  3. TheDragonTech says:

    Thanks. I am aware o fthe frostbite issue, but didn’t encounter it. I have
    about 5-6 inches of hay under the coop. A spotlight can be added to the
    inside of the coop for heat.

  4. Sumiko Courtney says:

    I like the design of your tractor. Did you design it yourself, or are the
    plans available for purchase?

  5. TheDragonTech says:

    Thanks. I wasn’t sure what to expect for winter either, so I posted this.
    The key thing is to have a water source that doesn’t freeze. I use a heated
    dog dish that only heats up when the temp is below 32 F.

  6. chemist653 says:

    So helpful – I wondered what we would need to do come the winter. I thought
    of polystyrene insulation but it seems unnecessary. Well done!

  7. xtreemflame says:

    I like your plan do they poop in the coop? how do you clean it ? Do you
    just move it over now and then?

  8. TheDragonTech says:

    We live in upstate NY. I can drop to about -10 with wind chill. We average
    around 0 to 20 degrees most of the time.

  9. Footballboy says:

    WHoa! how do you do it so your chickens can lay in the snow?

  10. DonnaEV says:

    I Love the idea, and your video, how do I build this?

  11. ibwhite says:

    I realize you posted this a while ago, but thanks! We just built a portable
    coop like yours and I was wondering what we would do for the winter. I
    appreciate you posting this!

  12. StriderGTS says:

    Wow that is a great design… how hard is it to clean? I live in a
    relatively suburban area and something small like this would be perfect. Do
    you raise bantams?

  13. TheDragonTech says:

    Thanks. I have plans for this available on eBay. Simply search “Chicken
    Tractor Plans” on eBay and you will see it.

  14. teenmod12 says:

    wow. i was really afraid of my chickens dieing of the cold. im new to the
    hobby (my babys are one month old now) and now its getting cold. hope they
    do well. i also live in New York btw

  15. rvrh says:

    i’m not that handy, and love to buy this coop from you. please, send some
    info where to buy already build one.

  16. Dwight Anderson says:

    How cold does it get where you are?

  17. amaroq69 says:

    Wow, no heat & you guys get some below zero temps eh? Thank you very much
    for your idea’s that I’ll incorporate with my Tractor…

  18. exo teric says:

    I’m in Western Quebec, it gets –30 celcius + wind chill…do you think
    your system would work for us?

  19. TheDragonTech says:

    @xtreemflame Yes,the coop was designed by me. For plans see my “A Quick
    Tour of Our Chicken Tractor (Ark) (Coop) (Plans)” video for details.

  20. jazzbuff47 says:

    In what state do you live? I was wondering how cold it gets there?

  21. ThanksgivingWalk says:

    Nice job;addresses cold weather issues. Thanks for taking time to post.

  22. chickenmom says:

    Just make sure you check on their combs. They can get frost bitten and fall

  23. emlerron says:

    Nice setup! I use to raise chickens have since given it up. If I ever do it
    again your setup will be the one I’ll use.

  24. nolanmontess87 says:

    how cold does it get around there in the winter.

  25. TheDragonTech says:

    RE: Is the bottom still just bare ground? No the bottom of the coop is
    enclosed with rabbit fence. Thanks!

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