The Best Chicken Coop – Update #1

| November 14, 2013 | 36 Comments

Update Video #1 To see our original video, go to: The Best Chicken Coop – The Reverse Wichita Cabin Coop – A chick…

The coop was designed and built by Mr. Aaron from wood that was donated by the Wiencek family. It has two floors and a double nest box. Everything in it is r…
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  1. littlerocket68 says:

    awesome chickadoos

  2. Ginny Stockton says:

    Thanks! We are very happy with the chicken coop & so are our chickens!
    ;-)……The walkway did illuminate the mudd, now we just need to dodge the
    chicken poop when walking around the coop on it! Thanks for watching!

  3. TheVileExpress says:

    your chicken coop looks alot cleaner,nicer,expensive,prettier than mine coz
    mine was an old dog kennel keep up your good work!

  4. Sain Chaudary says:

    beautiful birds

  5. frankie2234 says:

    very nice.

  6. galaxy2409 says:

    2 chickens is the same breed

  7. E Frasier says:

    Shes a pretty lady to, but we are working on a chicken coop to and will
    post. Thank you to.

  8. mediamaker2000 says:

    That’s not a chicken coop! That’s a chicken condo or resort! I’m sure
    there’s a chicken hot tub around there somewhere! LOL What a very cool
    setup you two have there!

  9. Jarod Duckworth says:

    Your wife is beautiful.

  10. GardensInDesert says:

    Great video! The coop looks like a great design and it looks really well
    made. You did a great job on the exterior walkway too btw.

  11. omar ghamdioa says:

    You all r just fine, you’ve got fine job. Thanks for the vid, take care you

  12. MadBadVoodo says:

    Cool Vid!

  13. thojclan says:

    it looks sooooo easy…lol

  14. Michelle Dover says:

    muy bonita y practico tambien gracias

  15. sk8m8d8 says:

    Great design do you have any other designs etc

  16. juya puya says:

    are those golden buff

  17. Tom Welch says:

    If you don’t fasten those inside parts somehow, the chickens will kick them
    out of place, and the problem with a run with low height is, what if you
    have to retrieve a sick or dead chicken?

  18. Mig2133 says:

    Cool man…awesome.

  19. couerl says:

    Hey, Folsom prison.. Seriously, it’s over engineered and cluttered.. The
    roost should be rounded like a natural branch and not square because that
    will mess up their feet. They need room in that box to stretch their wings
    and flap them without bumping into hard edges all over the place. They
    don’t need all that inner ramp crap, it just wastes space so get rid of it.
    In a small box like that the number one priority is space so they don’t go
    nuts and peck the shit out of eachother.

  20. jonnybbadful says:

    this is the best chicken coop starter that i have ever seen. very nice

  21. JeannieSouza says:

    Well done.. thanks for sharing..

  22. Mike LaTorre says:

    You can see that the lids lift off of the run for easy access. I too am
    skeptical about the ramps being sturdy in the coop, though. It would be
    nice to get an updated video of the chickens using the coop.

  23. suebanna says:

    wow that is really cool!

  24. squirrelkiller247 says:

    that is so simple… i love it, but one complaint, i wouldnt use sheet
    metal because they can get spraddle leg. but that is only for chickes but u
    can never be to sure. once again im trying not to offend you in anyway it
    really is a great idea.:)

  25. Fernando Joel Cortés Mendoza says:

    is it just for two? or more?

  26. mauifeatherlei says:

    wow- the pan is perfect for cleaning and so well thought out, yes you
    should sell those plans

  27. JR96321 says:

    Nice job, gives me good ideas for my mini-coop. Have you thought about
    adding a window? Could buy some plexiglass (18″x8″), cut a hole in the side
    plywood, predrill holes on the plexiglass and then caulk around it. Hens
    will appreciate it and you can peep inside without opening the whole thing

  28. ColeFried81 says:

    nice. I dig it.

  29. hasmujo says:

    everything was so perfect, except that piece of metal you floored. because
    the chickens love pawing the ground and it might be boring for them…

  30. stanbrit says:

    that was brilliant! excellent designs, so simple but cleverly crafted.
    Shows true talent, compared to the over priced crap sold in pet shops and
    the internet! keep up the good work!! ^__^

  31. attilaclark says:

    Clever setup….nice layout.

  32. James Costello says:

    best coop ever

  33. Grillmaster33 says:

    Wow. This is awesome. I need to move into a house on some land.

  34. Peter Griffiths says:

    fits together like lego. very well designed.

  35. Carys Jedward says:

    do u have to have a heat lamp in the winter.???

  36. animalcaredude says:

    nice coop!

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