The Best Chicken Coop – Wichita Cabin Coop

| July 3, 2013 | 25 Comments

The Best Chicken Coop – The Reverse Wichita Cabin Coop – A chicken coop designed for 5-6 chickens. It features 3 nesting boxes and 2 roosting bars in the mai…

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  1. crazytacostudios says:

    do the chickens stay in during the winter?

  2. jimginnyohio says:

    Awesome! Congratulations on your success! I’m glad our videos have helped out! Thanks for your comments too! 

  3. Phillip Saunders says:

    The nesting boxes are working out very well…….we gathered our first 3 egg’s this morning…..Thank’s again for a great post!!! All my neighbors have given so many great comments on the overall design and execution of this project…….I thank you for the time and effort to inspire new homesteaders such as myself to comitt to being more self reliant……

  4. jimginnyohio says:

    Sorry, no lumber list or drafted plans. Just the details here in YouTube and the step-by-step photos on our website.

  5. jimginnyohio says:

    So far, this design is working great in all areas. The nice thing about building your own coop is that you can make whatever modifications you like. The only problem I have encountered with the lift up egg access door is that sometimes it hits the window that is above it if the window is not fully opened or closed. It’s not a real problem, just an inconvenience sometimes.

  6. Srd1126 says:

    This looks nicer and is built better than some houses I have seen! One question, wouldn’t it be good to have the “egg-access door” open lower by the nest so you can reach “in” instead of “down?” Since you surely have chix in by now can you advise how that is working out?

  7. BermudaLamb says:

    Do you have a hardware / lumber list? My wife really likes the design, and would like me to modify it for our hens.

  8. Jordão Santos says:

    Nice video! God bless friend.
    Let’s play in Sao Paulo – Brasil

  9. jimginnyohio says:

    Thanks for confirming that for me!

  10. jimginnyohio says:

    Thanks for your comment! I’m happy to hear that your coop is performing as expected!

  11. westie1cairn2mom says:

    No, raccoons cannot tear through hardware cloth of that size. I used to be a licensed wildlife rehabber and this is exactly what I used on my raccoon pre-release cage. Very nice coop!

  12. Phillip Saunders says:

    I built my Wichita Coop around two months ago…..I have always had problems with raccoons……they have not been able to penetrate it. The use of the blocks was the best, most practical approach to keeping any and all invaders from getting to the ladies. 

  13. jimginnyohio says:

    I beg to differ with you! Raccoons can indeed get through chicken wire, but they cannot get through hardware cloth screening….especially since I sandwiched it between the boards for extra precaution. We have caught MANY raccoons on our property, but NONE have gotten through the screening.

  14. Michael Fiedler says:

    Raccoons would tear that screen up easy .

  15. RiZ sy says:

     I make chicken coop in under 3 days ! Find Out Now!
    Go here …..––….

  16. jimginnyohio says:

    There is no such thing as a poopless chicken! No matter what kind of coop you have, there is going to be some type of poop management. It’s part of raising chickies!

  17. Kim Cavanagh says:

    Nice coop…. too much work & time to clean poop tho. It will get old.

  18. Steven Bradford says:

    great job

  19. jimginnyohio says:

    Please visite my website (posted below the video) to see all of the costs listed. Thanks!

  20. jimginnyohio says:

    Thanks for your comments! Sorry, but I don’t have a plan available. However, if you visit my website (posted beneath the video), you can see the complete build in progress. That should be enough information to build one of your own.

  21. jimginnyohio says:

    With any type of livestock, some amount of work is expected and required. I chose to enclose the floor since I live in a cold climate. However, even if the floor was open, I would still have to scoop the poop out….but the way I’m doing it, I don’t have to bend over to scoop it from underneath the coop.

  22. freetheoldhag says:

    All of your fancy stuff still does not allow for chicken dung to fall thru the floor. 70% of the chickens sh-t comes out at night. You need gaps in the floor or you will be constantly shoveling shit.

  23. lin018 says:

    Nice coop. I checked your website did not see the plan. Are you able to post your chicken coop plan on the web? I love to create a replica of your design in California. :) 

  24. kenfolk816 says:

    How much did this cost you

  25. Roch Bourgoin says:

    nice coop

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