The Hen House Vlog

| March 6, 2014 | 22 Comments

I always said I would do a vlog when I cleaned out the hen house and the weather was nice. Well, I did it at last! The vlog is about a lot more than the hen …
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  1. GrandmaDorrie says:

    For the bike bits Em, I used a Samsung S1065, for the rest it was either a
    Sony DCR-HC46 or a Panasonic NV-GS500. The gorilla pod was also tied down
    with bungy cords for extra security.

  2. GrandmaDorrie says:

    I wasn’t that keen on doing it Chris there were still loads of spider
    webs…… and I don’t like spiders! lol

  3. GrandmaDorrie says:

    lol Eden, we had out guests for 9 days so I missed loads. :)

  4. Neferkit says:

    I love your hen house vlog! Beautiful!

  5. GrandmaDorrie says:

    Hi, it’s great to meet you – even just via YT! lol What a great idea for a
    hen house, I would love to see it. You could put some photo’s together and
    do a video that was. Yes, yes, yes, living in the country is the best and I
    couldn’t live anywhere else, we thought at one time of moving further south
    in Scotland to be nearer our daughters but, no, we can’t give up where we
    live, we love it too much. :)

  6. silverscreamgrl says:

    I LOVED your hen house vlog!! And your bike riding and working around the
    yard. Yep, it is smart trying not to catch up and just starting up where
    you are. It’s really impossible to do so. Looks like you have been having
    beautiful weather.

  7. mysteryglo says:

    Wow Dorrie, your scenery there is just beautiful! I thought you were
    talking about a bicycle and pedaled 75 miles and thought, gees… but then
    realized you were on a “motorbike”. LOL ONe of my sons just bought some
    chicks and is hoping to get a couple of goats also. He lives out in the
    country in South Carolina. Yours are really cute! I really enjoyed your Hen
    House Vlog! LOL xoxo Judy

  8. GrandmaDorrie says:

    Yes we are lucky, a short bike ride away and we are in wonderful
    countryside. :)

  9. GrandmaDorrie says:

    Hi Steve The lighting was natural. :) I might do a bike one, we’ll see.
    Thanks xx

  10. GrandmaDorrie says:

    Thanks Judy, I hope your son gets as much enjoyment out of his as I do
    mine, not to mention the fabulous eggs. :)

  11. GrandmaDorrie says:

    lol Twish, I’ll be waiting for that then! :)

  12. GrandmaDorrie says:

    It’s almost impossible for me to catch up the 9 days, I have to accept that
    it wont happen. The last two days since my guests left I have been cooking
    meals for my folk’s freezer! So much to do! lol

  13. bugsinrug says:

    Hen House Vlogs…Cooool !! :-) What beautiful scenery you get to view on
    your bike rides! Thanks for sharing. hugs, Chris

  14. edenbainbridge says:

    its hard to play catch up on here im always behind :) xoexo

  15. fehquig says:

    I really enjoyed this one… Catching up? LOL

  16. GrandmaDorrie says:

    We have been pretty lucky for weather although the forcast for the next
    week is pretty bad. :( Still they seldom get it right anyway!

  17. dubbshak says:

    Hi, I’m Judy’s son (mysteryglo). My wife and I have 6 hens and a rooster at
    our new country home. We really enjoy them! I don’t vlog yet, but hope to
    someday soon. We just bought a used child’s playhouse to use as our hen
    house, it is so cute…just needs a few modifications and our poor cooped
    up hens can move in to their new mansion! Love your video, the editing is
    great…and love your piece of tranquility. isn’t living in the country the

  18. tallstevo says:

    Hi D, great lighting in the HH, when you said ‘bike ride’ I imagined you
    pedalling 70 miles! lol!! that looked fabulous the speeded up bike
    footage.. are you going to do a vid with that? maybe some rockin music &
    the fast footage?? gr8 vlog hun :)

  19. SactoGranny says:

    I love all the hen house/nest stuff! And it’s such a happy sight, the hens
    & rooster roaming free. I was off YouTube for 5 days recently – I’m still
    trying to catch up with everyone’s videos!

  20. twish1999 says:

    Now, how can i top a henhouse vlog….. maybe a bog vlog? LOL! :-)

  21. anniehiggy says:

    Your fine feathered friends have quite the house, it’s wonderful. And the
    pics from the bike ride – gorgeous.

  22. GrandmaDorrie says:

    Thank you Neferkit, I had cleaned it all out and thought it a shame to
    waste the opportunity. :)

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