Tour De Coop, Chicken coop tours, chicken coops for sale,

| November 28, 2013 | 9 Comments

Tour De Coop, Chicken coop tours, chicken coops for sale,

Tour De Coup chicken coop tour offers review of many chicken coops. Some Chicken Coop Tour winning styles are for sale at When reviewing chick…

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  1. Nicole Graham says:

    is there anyway you can send me the wiring diagram and how you built the
    custom coop door??

  2. IIIIMickIIII says:

    Replace the (dot) with a . Not sure if you need to register to view the

  3. Nicole Graham says:

    I looked in the backyard chickens forum and was unable to find this!!

  4. Nicole Graham says:

    Mick, where can I find the instructions on haw to build this??

  5. jack faster says:

    bad voice when it makes open the coop door :))

  6. Will Cowan says:

    There is a forum post describing how he did it. It’s on the Backyard
    Poultry forum titled “DIY Automatic Chicken Coop Door”

  7. IIIIMickIIII says:

    All the parts were bought from the local electronics shop, Jaycar. Designed
    it by myself, its pretty rough but works well. The door itself was just
    made up of off-cuts I had lying around in the shed.

  8. IIIIMickIIII says:

    @pactrop The door operates on a digital timer, set the time on – door
    opens, set the time off – door closes.

  9. خالد العتيبي says:

    طيب وش الفايده!!!؟

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