Update on my chicken house. 12/2012

| January 7, 2014 | 28 Comments

Update on my chicken house. 12/2012

Just an update on my chicken house. Please comment and subscribe!

We’re on a Minecraft Lets Play adventure looking for horses~ I finally get started on building the chicken house.
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  1. Montana Euscher says:

    cool chickens ,i have some chickens to.do you live in wa?

  2. xXstainglassXx says:

    do you know where moncton is ?

  3. xXstainglassXx says:

    its about 20 mins away from there

  4. Montana Euscher says:


  5. Farmboy307 says:


  6. Farmboy307 says:

    Cool, do you have chickens?

  7. xXstainglassXx says:

    really i do to .. i live in river glade i raise 21 chickens 2 ducks and a
    few chicks just hatched 2 out of 8 from my broody hen

  8. xXstainglassXx says:

    what part of canada ??

  9. Farmboy307 says:

    Thanks. Nope I live in Canada!

  10. TheQuailman97 says:

    A light for egg production needs to be about as bright as a reading lamp.

  11. xXstainglassXx says:

    ya i have 21 chickens 3 are babies hatched within 2 weeks and i have 2

  12. Farmboy307 says:

    Where’s River Glade? I’m in Fredericton..

  13. Farmboy307 says:

    New Brunswick.

  14. 533Tyler says:

    You can tell by the way they sound. The females talk alot more than the

  15. John Ward says:

    You need to go and find lava and drop your stuff in there!!!!!!!

  16. Point Rider says:

    Did you see the build a barn tutorial? That was his design (credited). Is
    this the one you mean? ~Bets

  17. stktproductions says:

    Yeah it is a little weird, but better than redstone gates and having to
    break fence posts to get them in and out.

  18. Sydney Farrell says:

    i love your videos i you are the best youtubr videoer ever

  19. Point Rider says:

    Glad you’re enjoying them – it’s a blast making the videos!

  20. Jakob Boss says:

    you should do a really cool barn like bdouble0′s red barn

  21. Point Rider says:

    YES! Found that out later. Looks weird though, don’t you think? There’s
    still a middle floaty post the horse walks through. Still, easier than the
    redstone we used for the gates in the tutorial vids… ~Bets

  22. Point Rider says:

    Gosh, I don’t think even Mojang knows this point. They’re still working out
    a LOT of bugs…

  23. starkata1 says:

    i love horses so im waching you all the time

  24. marissa goss says:

    make a stable for horses

  25. MC SD says:

    Good vid point rider

  26. stktproductions says:

    if you put 2 fence gates together and open both of them, the horses will go
    through them. just a little tip :)

  27. Point Rider says:

    Wow! Thanks a million!

  28. Sydney Farrell says:

    when does 1.6 come out?

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