Visit our Willamette Valley Aviary Henhouse

| January 17, 2014 | 26 Comments

A virtual tour through an aviary hen house. Listen to those hens and their happy clucks and coos!
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Jesse and Pride discover the awesomeness that is NEStalgia and decide to film their grand adventures. What rediculous crap will they get into?
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. Savanna Copper says:

    this really isn’t ‘Cage Free’ as you claim on the carton. The chickens
    should be able to see the light of day.

  2. AVeganZombie says:

    I’m a black little person from England and i still love you!-no homo-

  3. jimdaflynn says:

    why didnt jesse use an HP potion like slyox?

  4. Leon14000 says:

    Im sorry do you just hang out with EVERYBODY?

  5. Sludacris8 says:

    Jessie’s youtube plan: 1: Make wow videos about being awesome. Also, tell
    the stories that people skip while playing wow. 2: Make other MMo videos
    with friends that are funny/drunk 3: Make troll videos about Minecraft 4:
    Make Minecraft videos showing his actual skill…Burn it to the ground. 5:
    Now that I have a fanbase. Make awesome videos with friends. 6: Have fun
    and make money. Congrats. You win this round OMGFcata.

  6. WoWHaZ51 says:

    @Bubblingbrew lol owned

  7. Zitaloc says:

    His purple

  8. Aaron1046 says:

    what server are you in OMGcata?

  9. bosmerguy says:


  10. Nahele Duskwalker says:

    hahahah you guys are such dorks LOL

  11. CSUSBlikesOmfgcata says:

    Pride is obviously a big fan of “Epic Movie” “Date Movie” and “Scary Movie”

  12. Arimil1234512345 says:

    Shoooo NUF! Shogun of Harlem bish! “I’ve got something real for your ass in
    these hands.”

  13. Worldofkyle697 says:

    jessie, slyfox,pride just add total biscut and the yogscast and you will
    have an epic video.

  14. SacrierJak says:

    Hey Jesse, what server are you on? It seems this was taken after the update
    where you could undo your actions which wasn’t too long ago.

  15. Flipper .McDipper says:

    @MrMeatBall100 gg no re

  16. Alexander Ivanov says:

    Nice Ending = Jesse loses all his money. (well not all of it, 50% to be

  17. pie2413 says:

    *sigh* SlyFox is quite annoying. you guys shouldnt get him here anymore.

  18. ChameleonLost88 says:

    Ten Masked Men do great 80′s covers

  19. Toffeehammer says:

    I loved how Slyfox basically won the right to do the whole “Thanks for
    watching!” bit by beating Jesse in the duel even though he’s the guest.

  20. MrTheDecoy says:

    THE LAST DRAGON one of my wow guildies is named after the badguy, shonuff
    the shogun of harlem…im not sure if he knew shogun was also a thing in
    japan but he explained that too me at one point an had me go watch that
    movie. jesse im 16 your not old…just classy as hell

  21. Franziska Abbagliato says:

    How the hell did you miss that Axe the whole time…….

  22. wazzer57 says:

    what game is this?

  23. ejchan81 says:

    Jessie and Pride, you are better with out the fox

  24. gam3r323 says:

    Why is sly called Pride?

  25. Aaron Lee says:

    @KingBull24 well you can say that to slyfox’s subscribers…

  26. AeronFTW says:

    Make my wish come true: You, SlyFox, BlueXephos, and any other
    people…playing Minecraft.

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