Vixen in a Hen House

| December 24, 2013 | 24 Comments

Animation by Todd Little. I found this on VOR-COM, and it inspired me to write my longest vore story yet: “Denise.” Check it out at…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

St. Patricks day at Dublins street pub. Las Cruces NM.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Category: Hen House

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  1. fingerpoopy12 says:

    weird how theirs 4 but 2 of them suddnely dissapear and then reapear at the

  2. Forewarned76 says:

    I hope there’s a completed version, there seems to be parts missing

  3. ChakatScirocco says:

    Ah, a certain jarhead was behind this one.

  4. SwiftPawFatFox says:

    very cute :)

  5. foxfire945 says:

    i wonder if the whole thing is about the net somewhere

  6. Iganinjaartist says:

    what do you mean you have this video?

  7. preved says:

    I know this video I hav it & I like it!

  8. Bobzeaux says:

    I think I missed something. What exactly is going on here?

  9. Iganinjaartist says:

    yo this video is great!! How did you do this?

  10. MirceaKitsune says:

    For the first time I’d sooo want to be a chicken right now :) I still don’t
    get what happens at the end though. From what I seen, some rooster pops up,
    tries to fight back then everything turns red. Either way I’m all up for a
    continue too so please do if the owner reads this.

  11. Tracker says:


  12. UncontrollableEnergy says:

    Animation is very well done, though I’m still not too certain what’s going
    on towards the end.

  13. drockman92 says:

    this doesnt look complete. is a longer version somewhere else?

  14. MirceaKitsune says:

    Beautiful animation though I wish it was longer. That vixen looks so pretty
    and hot… I’d be a hen just to be in her belly ^_^ hope to see more.
    Anyone knows where I can get more from the author?

  15. TashkentFox says:

    That’s one cute vixen.

  16. UchihaHalo says:

    The person who drew the vixen has skill :P I say this purely cause I love
    any kind of fox…except a dead one lol

  17. Chelsea Cabanada says:

    I love foxes!!!!!!!!!!!! u jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Basteal says:

    I c wat u tried to do thar.

  19. blakhawk2265 says:

    i know you have the site you got this from in the description, but i cant
    put it where explorer can find the right sight. So could you kindly give me
    the link to the site please?

  20. AdamantBorb says:

    I didn’t, Todd Little (from the website “The Open Grave”) made it.

  21. preved says:

    Yes, and what?

  22. Earl Kelly says:

    What the HELL just happened on my computer screen!?! Oh, don’t get me
    wrong…I’m enjoying this, and watching it multiple times, in fact, but
    each time I watch that powerful, yet meaningless animation I laugh harder
    wondering what exactly went through the animator’s mind. I think its
    FANTASTIC and TERRIBLE, simultaneously,

  23. Takanuva1110 says:

    a longer video, and possibly have the fox eat more roosters and get bigger

  24. eastexanviewer1 says:

    oooooo…foxy lady

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