My poultry 2008minorcas.avi

| January 18, 2014 | 12 Comments

minorcas, sumatras, lakenfelders, brown leghorn,…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The duck house for Gemma’s 2 ducklings. I think it will be an ongoing project . Next stage is to fit a clock tower on the roof, with a working clock in it of…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Category: Poultry Coop

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  1. kkaaffkkaa says:

    Oh no:-)

  2. Pablo7rh says:

    I like minorcas. these are some fine looking birds. do you have any cross
    breeds? or any springtime pictures? thanks for posting the video!

  3. girosol1 says:

    do they fight?

  4. StSigmunder says:

    i have white faced spanish ;)

  5. gsalazar78 says:

    de donde son origuinarias estas aves ? saldos de chile.

  6. Phooj Vaj says:

    they look pretty cool….

  7. WeekendWorkshop says:

    Never had any problems with foxes while it was in the garden, but it
    finally got moved on to someone else, so I can’t vouch for it after that.

  8. Comrade Woodski says:

    is it foxproof?

  9. Mojave Momma says:

    This is soo awesome! I’m all twitterpated. Can’t wait to see the bridge.
    Love the pond too. Lucky ducks.

  10. ramzi manai DJ RAmzus says:

    nice house man

  11. snowmannyc7 says:

    Unbeleivable how about a how to video what craftsmanship

  12. Rubyclover12 says:


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