My poultry 2008minorcas.avi
minorcas, sumatras, lakenfelders, brown leghorn,…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The duck house for Gemma’s 2 ducklings. I think it will be an ongoing project . Next stage is to fit a clock tower on the roof, with a working clock in it of…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Category: Poultry Coop
Oh no:-)
I like minorcas. these are some fine looking birds. do you have any cross
breeds? or any springtime pictures? thanks for posting the video!
do they fight?
i have white faced spanish
de donde son origuinarias estas aves ? saldos de chile.
they look pretty cool….
Never had any problems with foxes while it was in the garden, but it
finally got moved on to someone else, so I can’t vouch for it after that.
is it foxproof?
This is soo awesome! I’m all twitterpated. Can’t wait to see the bridge.
Love the pond too. Lucky ducks.
nice house man
Unbeleivable how about a how to video what craftsmanship